Below is a small sample of the services that we offer. This is not a complete list but will give you an idea of where we may be able to start assisting you and your business. If something is not listed, please contact us and we will assess the level of help we can offer you.
Mobile Computing

Mobile IT is a great convenience, but not when something goes wrong. At Cyber Repairs, we offer a large amount of knowlegde and solutions to get you going again, from repairing your existing equipment to suppling new mobile equipment or advising you on what is available and helping set up your chosen gear.
Data recovery is also one of our specialities and with a success rate of around 95%, we will endeavour to retrieve your precious files for you.
Desktop Systems

Desktop and All-In-Ones give many so much pleasure for photos, gaming and music just to mention a few. We can help you with these products, from choosing your next system, fixing or upgrading your current one or expanding it to meet what ever needs you may have.
Calling us to get a free quote could save you hundreds. Sometimes off the shelf may work, but there are others that need specific tailored systems and we offer that service.

In this day and age, networking is everywhere, from your home wireless/wired network to multi computer business solutions, we can help you. Troubleshooting that annoying problem for you would be our pleasure. No problem is too small or too big for us. We can honestly say, we love fixing. Even if your network is getting a little disorganised, we can help with central server system or maybe a Network Attached Storage or online backup to protect those smaller businesses who want peace of mind.
Even some simple advice on getting the best internet plan suitable for you, we can help.